Nurturing yourself is the most important way to maintain your wellbeing. If you don’t have self-care as your foundation then no matter how many books you read or retreats you attend, what you get from them will soon fade. As with that self-care comes prioritising your holistic wellbeing.

Over the years we seem to have prioritised doing other things over our state of being. We always seem to be on the go, doing one thing or the other as much as we can. Being relaxed is so important in life. Relaxation is a state of consciousness characterised by feelings of peace, ease of tension, anxiety, and fear.

With self-care comes a deep appreciation of the importance of living from the inside out.


Developed distinctly thoughts about ourselves and others leads to feelings associated with peace, love and happiness which uplifts, heals, recharges and generally increases our holistic wellbeing. Our state of being is then that of being in-alignment, balanced and stable, therefore your being is well – ‘wellbeing’ and you are relaxed.

Developed distinctly thoughts about ourselves and others leads to feelings associated with peace, love and happiness which uplifts, heals, recharges and generally increases our holistic wellbeing. Our state of being is then that of being in-alignment, balanced and stable, therefore your being is well – ‘wellbeing’ and you are relaxed.

We have a choice. We have a choice about how we respond and see ourselves, others and life events – either responding with love or responding with fear. Choose Love ❤️ in all its expressions with: compassion, acceptance, kindness, gentleness, respect, honesty, friendship, co-operation, tolerance.

One is are rooted in deep self-appreciation of your innate goodness, qualities along with self-compassion and self-care. This is a very strong, safe and firm basis where you are not adversely impacted by the world.


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