
We receive no local authority core grants and exist through the generosity of our friends and family support to continue to provide a unique service to the community of Newham. To cover our annual running costs, we need to reach a target for 2021 of £15,000.00. This will allow us to continue to welcome many to obtain help and support through their journey.

Where will your money go?


will buy 2 months’
supply of office stationary/
photocopying and printing


will provide 1-hour session of well-being therapy


will provide 1-hour session of counselling


will pay the monthly rental of our premises

So please donate today and help us support more people through their journey.

Postal donations by cheque should be made payable to:
Evolveme Counselling
Postal Address:
St Mark's Community Centre 218 Tollgate Rd, London E6 5YA, United Kingdom.

Your kind donation will help us to continue to provide the work we do in the community and will truly be appreciated. For all enquiries click our Contact us page.